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Things Can Only Get Better …

I’m looking at the clock right now and it’s almost 3am .. I’m still wide awake. The New Year has already passed … and I’m trying to figure out what went wrong today. I know as you read my blogs .. you’ve been waiting for something good to happen .. right?? I guess I just tell it like it is .. and sometimes life isn’t always fair. Its not that I had a bad day .. I worked, all day long and in my business .. thats a good thing. My first gig was at Max & Erma’s in Woodrigde .. the manager, Stephanie was kind enough to let me work an hour early so I could make my next show at the Sabre Room later that night. Everything was going well .. grabbed some dinner to share with Val and mother, then it was out the door again.

The show went as well as it could considering I had to work with Valerie once again. She didn’t want to spend New Years at the Sabre Room .. or with me for that matter. I suggested we stay and watch the band after the show and we would be there for the countdown. The band was actually decent .. and there was no where else for us to go. Instead she insisted we leave .. so, I loaded the van and hit the road at 11:45pm. I knew we would be on the highway as the clock struck midnight .. not very exciting, but sometimes you can never make people happy. I made a few calls to friends and family on the ride home to occupy my time. We made it home safe as it is of course amateur night. Val went on her way .. and I went for a long walk with my little Rex, he’s better company anyway.

Hope you’re night was a little more exciting .. Happy New Years!


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Trusted Family Entertainment for Over 25 Years! Call Now 630.579.9409